Perthro – Rune Meaning Analysis

The meaning of the word ‘PERTHRO‘ is unknown to the scholars, as it seems to have no other origin outside the runes. Rather than suppose that the word is lost, I treat this as intentional, as I must with all the names and their positions in the Aetts. Therefor, the reason that Perthro is unknown is because of all the runes it represents the unknown: Fate, the unmanifest, the unknowable and the nature of chance. Together all of these suggests Wyrd (the manipulation of chance and fate).

Image by Thunderchild

A Note on Using the ‘Blank Rune’

The rune meaning of Perthro includes Wyrd, Fate, the mysteries of the unknown and unknowable. Most agree that it represents a ‘lot-cup’. It is the rune of the runes. Because this is so, we can immediately see why a ‘blank rune’ is an unnecessary addition to the 24 elder futhark runes. Typically, the ‘blank rune’ represents exactly those things that can be discovered and explored through Perthro — adding a blank rune into the strictly ordered futhark is at best redundant, and at worst a confusing impediment to genuine understanding (at least in the context of the system described by Rune Secrets.)

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Fehu – Rune Meaning

“Every beginning has within it the seeds of its own end.”

Fehu – “Fay-Who” – Literally: “Cattle” – Esoteric: Mobile Property, New Beginnings, Wealth

Key Concepts: Wealth, money, food, sustenance, intial conditions, luck, personal power, circulation of power,  financial strength, prosperity

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