New book, ‘Questioning the Runes’

Get your copy of the new book and rekindle your rune practice!

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Questioning the Runes: Confronting Our Hidden Stories!

Season’s Greetings! This is Tyriel from Rune Secrets,

As the chaos of Black Friday and Cyber Monday fades from last week, December holds several landmark days that often require our attention. Yule, from the 21st of December to 1st of January includes both Christmas and the ancient roman traditional New Year.

In Western culture, we must be mindful that our contemporary emphasis on material does not overshadow the important values of generosity, and resolve (in the form of resolutions).

This is a time of year where we have a wealth of stories that we celebrate, but what of the stories that are hidden? Stories that we do not realize we tell ourselves over and over, or ones that we have never realized we take as granted?

These stories shape our behavior and thus form our destiny and I can think of no better way to reveal them to ourselves and others than through the grace of divination and psychoanalysis with the runes.

I recently released my new book called “Questioning the Runes: Confronting Our Hidden Stories”. It has been met with enthusiasm, and I now feel confident in encouraging you to share this with your friends and loved ones as a gift, or get a copy for yourself to help with any self investigation and new narratives you plan for in the new year.

This new book illustrates many of the connections and relationships between the runes and explores many levels of meaning in a useful and grounded way. I wanted to make certain that using this method, the reader could see the energies and principles of the runes all around them, in their ideal form, or recognize the murkstaves in action. The work also illustrates methods we can use to improve our divination and change our hidden stories (and thus our fates) for the better.

I have had several years of life experience with the runes since I wrote The Book of Rune Secrets, and I now present to you, proudly, Questioning the Runes: Confronting Our Hidden Stories – available on Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

FIND IT HERE:  –  –  – ​ –  Barnes & Noble (.com)